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Thread: Valgard

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    Default Valgard

    Hey folks! While I'm new here, I've already gotten some great help and suggestions/ feedback from others (like Azelor) in the resource area, I think I've gotten I good direction for m WIP world of Valgard. It's undergone many iterations already as far as history and such goes, but I'm nearing steadier ground, as it were. Valgard is a fantasy world, where Chaos and Order are held in constant balance by spiritual guardians known as Courtiers. They alone protect and patrol the borders of Valgard, the world; and the "Nowhere"- a mysterious topsy-turvy realm and home of the guardians themselves. Some are touched by this other land and granted great powers. Others are wary of the source, and seek to protect from it. Time and circumstance blur these notions, however; and those caught in the cross must choose their own destinies. The area that is featured, at least at this moment, is a country of Durenhart, which is the last remnant of a once great empire, that traces founders back to a mythical civilization (Think along the lines of the mythical founding of Rome to the collapse and split of the "Holy Roman Empire")


    As you can see, I've only worked on some of the area sectioned off by mountains, known as Aethonia (Hopefully it evokes a western European like feel without being too much) There is a lot of work still to be done. There will be more continants, etc, but I havint fully decided on where im going with those, yet. I'm not sure about the color balance on some elements, and I'm not sure what sort of texture, or what I should use on the main land. Something subtle, I think. Anyway, comments and suggestions greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by Failtality; 07-27-2013 at 10:15 PM.

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