Alright, so I've been thinking a lot about this map this weekend and I've finally decided to revisit this. However, I've decided to completely revision the world and this time I've gone for a mediterranean feel in the southern parts of the original map. I've also thought a lot about the story of this world and I figured I'd share with you the basic stuff I've came up with. Note that all of this is early WIP and the map I've just thrown together quickly today as a reference.
Alerium (Rome, sort of)
Large empire ruled similarly to how the roman empire was ruled. Surrounded by enemies on all sides.
Republic consisting of many almost independent city states. The rise of the Alerian Empire caused the Republic to centralize more than before. Relations with the Alerians has reached an all time low at the time of this map because the Alerian conquest of Fretus and the Lower Tribes
Large Empire, only small parts of the empire is visible on the map. Bad relations with the Alerians.
League of Vorena
The rise of the Alerian Empire and their conquest of 6 middle kingdoms caused many of the remaining kings to meet in Vorena, and for the first time ever unite to stop the Alerian expansion.
Merchant cities
The Merchant cities are mysterius and little is known about them. Almost all traders trying to reach one of the 7 cities are chased away by the Merchant Navies. What is known about the cities is that they from time to time fight between themselves but most importantly that they have a trade route to the far east.
The eastern trade is vital for all civilisations in Aresia during this time. For a long time the Pylussians were the only ones (other than the Ostmans) conducting trade with the Merchant Cities but ever since the Alerians expanded into the lower tribes they now also hold a presence in the region. For a long time all Eastern Trade in Aresia went through Fractum and then from there to Fretus. With the Alerians now controlling both Fretus and trade ports close to the Merchant Cities, the Pylussians have lost much of their influence.
Old and New Kingdoms
Ruled by the Ostmans. The Old Kingdom is thought to be the oldest civilisation know. Why and when the Ostman or New Kingdom was formed is not known. The Ostmans are said to have been trading with the merchant cities ever since they were founded. Relations between the New and Old Kingdoms are said the be tense, at best. Why is not know but it's safe to asume it has to do with something that happend a long time ago.
Frettian Republic and Fretus
Fretus was once an ancient Pylussian colony that later expanded to become it's own republic. For a long time most of the eastern trade in western Aresia went through Fretus (from Pylus) but when the Alerians sized Fretus during the One year War the cities importance has declined. The Frettian Republic is what's left of the once mighty Republic of Fretus.