There are elements I really like in all of your maps in this thread, zukeprime. If I might make a suggestion, why don't you layer all the images and then use masks to blend the most interesting parts of each attempt at the map? You'll end up with a map with lots of great variety, as well as doing what you want it to do. Of course it will require some fiddling to get the heights to line up properly, but I think you could make a really nice map that way.

I have a question for you about this stage of your map:

Quote Originally Posted by zukeprime View Post
Base Image

Final Product
The rocky hills in this map are really cool! I can't quite work out how they came about from the base image - can you remember what kind of processing you did to them to make them come out this way? Also, if you still have the height map for the final product at this stage, I'd love to see it too.