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Thread: Two-State Floor Barricades

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  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Altrunchen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Post Two-State Floor Barricades

    I have admired the level design from the Legend of Zelda series for a very long time. One aspect that I thought would be fun to include into D&D was the lever and switch functions that link would have to step on or hit with his sword to toggle.

    After making a macro in Maptools that had the toggle-switch effect, and that was player-accessible too so the players can be better immersed, I remembered this little aspect of Zelda dungeon design:

    Remember those two-state floor barricades that would limit your access to some places while granting passage to others when you hit those weird crystals? I do, and I think it'd be a great aspect to add to D&D. After all, I've gotten so sick of the party bypassing locked or stuck doors and having virtually every obstacle type memorized that I figured this might throw them for a loop.

    So, I made some of my own two-state floor barricades to use with my lever macro. I also figured that maybe some other people might like to incorporate them too, so I'm posting them here. I hope you guys like them! I made sure to make them in different colors since not every dungeon looks the same and I made sure to make them very large so that they could be re-sized a lot.

    Please note that to make these smaller and easier to see, I had to scale them down on IMGUR and thus have them converted into JPEGs. Rest assured that the file contains the same images (but about 4" x4" at 300 px/inch^2) with transparent edges as PNGs, meaning the white in these pictures won't be on the actual images.





    The file contains Green, Orange, Purple, Red, and Yellow versions too.

    Download Zip:
    Last edited by Altrunchen; 08-26-2013 at 11:48 PM.

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