I stumbled upon this website today while searching for a way to create a fantasy map to go with something my husband and I are writing. Since I can do digital art (using Poser and Photoshop), I figured I'd try one of the tutorials here (Saderan's for anyone who's curious). Here's what I came up with, which isn't too bad for a first attempt.

This website is simply amazing. The maps I've seen are incredible and awe-inspiring and at some point, hopefully we'll be able to toss up a request for a commission... or several. We have no less than three worlds we play in as writers. (Our first novel has been published and is available in ebook format, just ask if you're curious. I'm not going to post it since it's not exactly relevant. )

So... opinions? Suggestions on how to improve or tutorials that I should read?

(p.s. hopefully this attached okay!)

fantasy map.jpg