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Thread: Unnamed continent, WIP

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Wip Unnamed continent, WIP

    Hello me it's me again. (nm, just a song quote that popped into my head...I write very stream of consciousness-like).

    Anywho, this is a continent map I'm working on. I have the kingdom borders in and the capitals but this image doesn't show them...just thought I'd post what a sample of one of my biggie maps looks like. So far this map has taken about 1 hour (45 minutes of which were on just 2 steps out of the 100 or more so far). The rest of the work I have left to do is: thousands of cities, towns, hamlets, etc.; borders for duchies, counties, baronies, etc.; trade network; economic resource locations, socio-political systems; religious-magical system; mystical locations and what not like dungeons and shrines; then the tedious naming of the these lands and towns (I use a name generator but still tedious); and finally the finish graphics like title banner, compass, frame, etc.

    The original image size is 8000 X 8000 at 1000 dpi where 1 pixel = 1/2 mile (so 4000 miles wide or roughly the width of North America). I shrunk this image down to 4000 X 4000 to get under the file size limits (new and improved with under 4 megs). This map features a fully functional whirlpool and steam room (er volcano), spa (swamps), numerous ski lodges, access to hiking and camping (and spelunking), 5 star beaches, multicultural and multiracial interactions (for to whomp on and take their stuff), high seas adventure (arr matey), and numerous other amenities.

    So let me know what you think (other than it being dark...I want it to look like a shot taken from space so sorta Google maps-like).

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