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Thread: [Paid] Maps wanted

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    Post [Paid] A Cartographer for Edara


    I own CC3 and can use it, but I have the artistic talent of an arthritic ferret, so I am looking for an artist to help me by making a campaign map and other maps and projects for a campaign I am running. This will be a lot of work, but I am willing to pay for good work done in a timely manner. I can provide you with rough examples and detailed information to make your task easier.

    I like a clean minimalist style of map, a bit less cartoonish than some I've seen, a bit more modern and topographical. Hopefully this should make the map quicker to produce, but I will work with you in integrating any artistic touches you'd like to add.

    I'll be asking for a large campaign map in 2560x1600 resolution. I won't need a physical copy of the map, although if you have a good way to print a copy that'd be nice. I'd need it be done in CC3 unless you have a better tool that will work that I can buy. I'll be making minor modifications to the map during play after you have it finished, mostly adding minor towns and villages.

    I'd like it drawn in several stages over a period of months, and I will pay after each stage is complete. I'd like to get the first stage of the campaign map done by the end of July if possible, so time is an issue. However, quality is of importance to me, so I won't jog your elbow or push you to send things out before they are done.

    Assuming this all works out well, I'll also want smaller detail maps of other areas as well as individual cities and regions. There would also be some work on custom graphics to represent various "interesting places" found in my world, but nothing major.

    If you are interested and believe you can handle this work in a timely manner, please contact me at An attached sample or link to a sample of some sort would be appreciated, as well as some idea of what kind of renumeration you'd expect. I work at home, am always online, and communicate mostly by email, so if you don't like email or take days to respond to emails, please don't apply.

    This is all being done to support a private campaign which I expect to last a number of years (my last one ran for two years, and I am hoping to better that for this one). I'd expect to retain all intellectual property rights and the rights to the maps, although I don't mind you displaying them or using them in a portfolio as long as you're not selling them for profit.

    Last edited by TRuschak; 06-09-2008 at 07:58 PM.

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