Hello Rob, The main site for the project is MeDEM - The Middle Earth Digital Elevation Model Project which has links into the gallery where most of the work is renders of works in progress. The project is basically always in progress where sometimes it gets more progress than at other times. There is a forum there which is quite rarely used and we started another forum for the 3D world of middle earth in the Outerra engine. So you can explore the world we made in 3D using the free Outerra program tech demo and using the extra download of the MEDem data for it. If people are interested then we would like to add 3D models of some of the 'man' made items in the world. There is a forum about those places which again is not heavily trafficked but post notifications do go out.

As for funding - its just a side hobby and its always been a free to download non commercial kind of thing with no affiliation to the Tolkien group so we cant take any monies for it. If you wanted to donate then making some 3D models for the lands would be the most useful and welcome.