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Thread: WIP scalable Map of Continent - a source for stories and maps

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  1. #31
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany


    To control and immerse the thoughts on climate, I look the world up again on the Lauer and Frankenberg Method. This is a Budget-Method, what means, it differs the clima into the different Thermal and Hydrological Budgets. Or more simply it generates areas with similar degrees of continentalization plus similar hydrological conditions.This devides the world into about 42 Regions which are highly comparable in climate diagrams and of course in the potential vegetation.

    Because my next step will be the focussing on my worlds vegetation, this is a very important step in forming the potential vegetation - and later the real vegetation (the vegetation formed and influenced by the time, its inhabitants, catastrophies and of course mystical impacts)

    As usual show me, when you´re not agreed.

    climates Frankenberg.jpg

    And to reffer to vorropohaiah: I Think I started at the beginning. But as mentioned above, the second next step is the first step with influences from history, or generally from the inhabitants. For example the island-kingdom from this threads first page: It has a certain potential vegetation with maybe a coverage of 90% of wood. But the humans living there need to live on something and they need some "farmland" and some meadows and so on. Even their kind of living needs some wood for fire, production, ships, buildings and fortifications. Even the last war, when the intruders tried to build a superstucture to protect their captured land an they need masses of food and wood would have a big influence on the real vegetation. The point is, that this will be the moment to dipp deeper into the world

    In Fact I´m not too interested in Climates and this things, but I want a world as much realistic as possible

    To respond to Maezar:

    All of the elevations are dreamed up. In fact, I first started whith a hand-made copy of the european Alps with some four levels of elevetion, but I modified the hills and mountains so that after some days I deleted the copied lines. One reason was, that they were far away from my desired degree of detailing.

    So I started to work my own way. Working in Illustrator is quite funny but got lots of risk: I often got too deep and worked hours and hours for a region with about 50x50 km and when you scale the map back to the whole continent, this work is just a very small region, where none of this immense work is visible. It´s a learning process but I´m not sure, when this elevation-map will be finished..

    If you want to I will do a mini tutorial inside this post
    Last edited by randigpanzrall; 09-25-2013 at 06:46 PM.

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