I am attempting to learn how to create map tiles that I can print and glue to a solid backing. I have spent several days looking at different programs. I've gotten very frustrated after trying 4 or 5 different programs. I think I've finally settled on Photoshop because it's popular and somewhat easier to learn. I'm using version CS6.

I'm not an artist by any means. I'm just taking existing textures and files and putting them together into something that I (hopefully) like. My tiles will be 6x6 when I cut them out. I start with a 6x6 tile in photoshop. I haven't figured out how to add walls to the floor. I'd like a wall with some stone texture that looks good.

I have one set of "wall tiles" in PNG format. The only thing I know to do with them is to copy and paste them onto the floor and then line them up so they (mostly) match.

Can anyone teach me how to make the walls for my tiles?

Here's an example of a tile with a proper wall:
