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Thread: map request for a multicultural fantasy series ($, blog post and book credit)

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    Default map request for a multicultural fantasy series ($, blog post and book credit)

    I'm looking for someone to create maps for a multicultural fantasy series. I would want the copyright, so at the end I would ask for a copyright transfer contract to be signed. However, you can keep a copy for portfolio and website. Timing - about 4 weeks. Size - big enough for 11"X17" paper.

    This is a self-publishing project so there won't be much $$, but I'm willing to do a Q & A interview with you to put on my blog and credit you in the book when it's published. I think good artists deserve some publicity for their work well done!

    Would like to ask for 2 professional looking maps which looks hand drawn with borders and a compass. Basically elegant in general, parchment paper type stuff.

    1) The current world map but make it look like a fantasy map. The characters go to different countries, so we'll mark where they visit with an X or circle. Will provide list of places to mark on map.

    Style example:

    2) A map of a small island with a castle and a few landmarks. I have a spec written up, there's only about 7-8 things on it (castle, dome structure, forest, farmland, field of flowers, egg structure, pond, watchtower). It's floating in the sky, so maybe a few clouds surrounding it.

    Style example, basically you can see the "castle" structure:

    While I provide written specs, creatively I want the artist to show me what they think is best. I have been granting my illustration artists creative control and it's worked out fairly well.

    Please send your offers or more info requests (with some samples) to netizen1 @ yahoo . com (remove the spaces before sending).

    Last edited by netizen; 09-30-2013 at 11:17 PM.

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