Howdy, crowd

Long time lurker, first time poster, here

Inspired by some of your tutorials (which are awesome, btw!) I did my first attempt at a worldmap in Gimp:


However, it looks kind of boring .. if not to say, featureless ..
Any suggestions on how I could improve it?

As a size reference: The "head" of the left continent is supposed to be about the size of Europe from West to East.

While the basic geology looks as supposed (e.g. left one: grassland in the north, desert in the centre, jungle in the south), as much as I understood, at this distance, you do not paint in stuff like trees, cities or streets, or do you?
Also, I've even been hesistant to put in the river on the right one - but thinking of an Amazonas (or Nile) like river, I'd say it is fine, isn't it?

In my eyes, the map just looks wrong - but I cannot tell, what exactly is wrong with it .. can you?

Thank you so much and keep up the good work!
I really love returning here, looking at your impressive maps!

Kind regards,