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Thread: [WIP] Warden's Reach World Map (Fantasy)

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    Help [WIP] Warden's Reach World Map (Fantasy)

    Hey guys,

    New member here - first post and first map! I'm a game designer with a little Photoshop experience. I needed a map for a game I'm working on and didn't have the money to pay one of you awesome guys so I figured I'd do it myself

    The game is medieval fantasy, with a mainland and four outer areas. The outer areas are the homes of powerful creatures and are heavily themed in style and color (hence the weird colors on each area).


    For reference I used the Saderan tutorial for the environment and read through the 17-page guide from Eduard Imhof on positioning names.

    I actually really liked how this turned out compared to my expectations (think 6 year old with crayons) but I know it could be improved. Here are a couple things I'm not so confident with:

    1. The naming seems very weak. I think changing font color for the largest areas might help but I probably need to do more. My idea was to segment the names into three sizes relative to their geographical size. I dunno.

    2. Territory definition isn't strong enough. I feel like some places look really nice but others just kindof blend into each other without any natural border. Seems confusing and ambiguous to me.

    3. Map Border. I couldn't find a decent map border tutorial (there is probably one on this website but I missed it) so my border is currently black.

    4. Kingdom borders. I currently don't have any kingdom borders and I need to split the middle land into three kingdoms. I assume some sort of dashed line is best but I was actually having trouble getting the pen tool to stroke a dashed line. Anyone know of some resources for this?

    Of course any other feedback is welcome as well! This is my first map so It's likely I'm not seeing other important mishaps.

    Thanks for your time guys!

    Last edited by Zooch; 11-14-2013 at 08:13 PM.

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