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Thread: WIP Unnamed island

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    Default WIP Unnamed island

    Long time no post. I had serious computer troubles earlier this year which interfered with my cartography, and it really put me off using Photoshop for a long time. I've only just gotten back into using it the past few months, and now I've gotten back into cartography. I've attached to this post an island I've just started working on, although I've left out the scale for now - I'm looking at ~500 miles from west to east, from one side of the island to the other (not from one side of the image to the other). Hopefully the images attached in the order of my current progress.

    I've run into some difficulties deciding between the last three since there is the possibility of having part of the island split off and acting as an island itself; add to that some additional islands and I could have an archipelago. I do plan on looking at the surrounding continents soon, and the tectonic boundaries. This archipelago is going to be akin to Italy or Japan - quite varied terrain, with various mountain ranges and it'll come with it's very own volcanoes too.

    I will admit to lots of tracing in Photoshop, taking outlines of various real world coastlines and seeing how they'd fit in with my overall vision. The end result is obviously very different from the coastlines I've traced around. I prefer real world examples to guide me in the process, although there are some oddly shaped islands out there.
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    Last edited by Kaidonni; 12-02-2013 at 06:31 PM.

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