Hello everyone, my name is Dax. I come to you all in hopes that you can aid me with your talents. I enjoy world building simply for the challenge of creating a fantasy world and populating it with various mythologies, races, interesting themes and stories. I have been creating these worlds ever since I can remember and although I always try I can never seem to get the hang of making a map that is beyond the confines of a paint program.
I recently have been creating a fantasy world based of an inverted map of a long ago sunken continent named Zealandia. I was hoping you amazing cartographers could bring this world to life for me.


Here is a paint picture of what Zealandia looks like with a few added islands in green off to the left. The darker blue around the map is supposed to be water. I would like the southwestern part off the map to have a mountain range and run along that whole side.You can kind of see it in the image I posted. At the Northern end of that mountain range I would like a forested region which becomes a kind of large plain. Anything else you decide to add is entirely up too you. Any other mountains or rivers and lakes. I definitely want to keep the large bay in the middle though.

Style and Size do not matter much as long as it looks fairly professional, there is no time limit either.

I put unpaid as of now but I will defiantly credit and pay you if anything ever comes of it's use in the future.

Hopefully someone can help me out. Thank you!