Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
One thing though, map 6 don't show climates, it's more about the topography.
I had taken the darker and lighter areas to be indicative of rainfall. They do not seem to indicate anything else, but are placed artistically, rather than scientifically

Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
By the way I don't like the eastern part either, most of it doesn't work. I wanted to have a very large landmass though, and some landlocked waters. Now that there is time I'll probably work on it some more and resubmit it.
I kind of like the eastern landmass, although the area from the polar peninsula east to the second large east-ward sticking protrusion does have an awkward shape to the coastline. I look forward to seeing the next edition!

What do people think about having someone (I volunteer, but am not insisting if someone else wants to) draw up a global weather pattern, as a guideline to local mapmakers?