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Thread: WIP Unnamed island

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  1. #11


    It's been a while since I posted my last update, and I've refined the outline considerably since then. I decided to go down to a fine level of detail using a 2 pixel brush, although the next step after I've done all I can at that level may be to scale the map upwards so the borders can be something around 4 pixels deep. A larger scale would allow me to use a much harder edge to the brush, giving more definite borders than in my current version, and to fill in either side with terrain colours without any bleed-through between land and water (2 pixels leaves very little margin for error).

    I've added three possible scales to the map. I can go with 600/700/800 pixels to a hundred miles, which would be 6/7/8 pixels to a mile respectively. I'm not sure which is best as I don't want the islands to be humungous; something in the range of the British Isles, Italy or Japan is what I'm after. Naturally, I also don't want them to be too small.

    I'm currently refining the coastline all over the place, although I'm primarily focusing around the bays and peninsulas. I haven't gotten around to adding in the smaller islands yet, and the ones already present I'm not completely decided on (except for the one shielded by the northern peninsula and the ones off the second large island).

    EDIT: There is the possibility of going to a 1 pixel brush and 100% opacity and very high hardness (60-80%), which will also give me definite and thin outlines for the coastline. I've experimented, and if I then colour in the land in a layer below the coastline, there isn't any bleed-through between land and sea nor does it impact upon the quality of the outline itself.
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    Last edited by Kaidonni; 01-17-2014 at 02:46 PM.

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