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Thread: WIP - basic elevation map

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice berg's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Washington, DC

    Wip WIP - basic elevation map

    I'm currently in the process of sorting out/finalizing details for my map of my newest world building project, and I made an elevation map to see if the placement of my main river(s) made any sense (which really, they don't, but I'll fix them later).

    I started out with my hand sketch of the map:
    and then built the mountains up:
    princesses elevation wo sl.png (for reference of where on the map)
    princesses elevation copy.png

    I also felt like I should add some lower than sea level areas, but it doesn't seem right to me and I would like opinions/how to do this better.
    princesses elevation w below sl.png

    I haven't drawn in a correct river yet, but I was wondering if this looked to be right? I've had issues with deciding the size and shape of the entire continent, so I haven't focused on larger geography, but this has helped me organize my thoughts (even if it's off).

    In re: to the bg of the project, I don't have names for any of the kingdoms yet, but I have some very basic history and I'm focusing my attention on the kingdoms with the lake (ruled by a family whose Queen and some of the children are magic)(but I'm going to add a river to connect to the lake), and the kingdom partly in the woods/with a circular patch of woods (non-magic ruling family, but they have relations w/ druids who live in the forest, and the circular woods is a settlement, originally connected to the rest of the forest. Trading lumber with the kingdom to the north (who has a coastal border) diminished the forest.)

    ETA: The original sketched out map is more of a political map I guess, b/c I outlined/shaded different kingdoms, but I expect that most of their borders will change as I develop geographical borders/other stuff.
    Last edited by berg; 01-26-2014 at 12:03 AM.

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