Hi all,

I am new here and thought I'd best start by introducing myself a bit. I am a world builder and have been inventing new worlds for as long as I can think, joined a german world building community more than ten years ago and have had lots of fun with it all.
But world builders need maps of course (and apart from needing them I simply love maps) - so I drew my maps first by hand, then switched to photoshop and yesterday I finally decided to try and create 3D-images and maps of my worlds. I downloaded terragen and started to play with it - only I couldn't figure out how to create custom height maps in the shape of my continents - so I asked the internet. And the internet brought me here.
I honestly didn't see much of this community or the forum yet, but the little I have seen so far blew me right off my feet. you guys are amazing and there is so, so much I can and want to learn from you. Not only about height maps and fractal terrains but also about all kinds and other forms of maps. For example I didn't even try to create a city map yet, not after so many years of building my own world…
Right now I am a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content here, but i am sure I will find my way around soon I have attached two samples of one of my maps so you guys can get a glimpse of my current work.
