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Thread: Leend - first try

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  1. #1

    Wip Leend - first try

    Hi everyone,

    I only joined this amazing community yesterday and today I spent all day trying out a few things and applying them to one of my continents - Leend.
    This is what I've come up with so far (all done in Photoshop):
    Now while I am absolutely happy to have come this far at all (this style is amazing thanks for the tutorial!) there are a few things still bothering me and I thought maybe you guys can help.

    The mountains, for example, look just a little off to me, weird somehow, but I can't really place my finger on it and don't know how to fix it. Did I use the wrong brush size? Or is it the shape of the mountain ranges? Or something completely different?
    Maybe the entire map is just lacking detail, but then I have the problem of what to do with the desert? If I add tons of detail on the mountains, islands, forests etc the desert in the middle will look unfinished and blank...

    I am also a complete noob when it comes to rivers. I never managed to place them in a way that looked natural so I started to not place any on my maps at all. It can't stay that way of course, so if anyone has a suggestion as to where some natural rivers could flow in this extremely dry region, I'd be really grateful!

    Any other comments and critique is very welcome, too, of course! I am a complete beginner after all...
    Last edited by Lyrillies; 01-28-2014 at 06:06 PM.

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