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Thread: City of Fortune (reality check request)

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    Wip City of Fortune (reality check request)

    This was intended for the world/regional map forum.

    I'm looking to get a reality check on the rough draft of my map. I tried to make sense of things, but don't have a deep understanding of geography (yet.)

    Forgive the map. It's 30 minutes of scribbling on printer paper at work followed by a rushed scan through a crappy work printer. I do like the stippled jungles and shaded mountains though. Some version of those may make the final map.

    The whole area is tropical. The stippled blobs are dense jungle. The "wood block" blobs are lakes. Most of the lakes are in the wetland/swamp region at the base of the mountains. A desert sits in the upper right corner, trapped between the shown mountain range and another on the other side, and the edge of a large savanna can be seen on the bottom right. I'm assuming the map is about a thousand miles across (800 from the delta to the right side). The large river, like Nile or Amazon big, flows east to west. The prevailing winds go west to east. It takes about 8 days by sail to get from the delta to the right side of the map. 10 days on the current to go the other way. I know nothing about boats, so I could be so far off on my times/scale.

    The city the campaign is named after sits on the delta (swiped from RobA because it's a cool concept and I got nothin' better planned.) That could screw with my plans for underground catacombs and an eventual assault from the underdark...

    I'm avoiding doing a "world map" as I want to work up regions as I get ideas. Fortune is a world center of trade, brdiging the gap between the often strange and isolated cultures of this (the largest) continent and the more familiar european continent that the founders of Fortune hail frome; as well as other continents and city-states around the world, and I'm going very much for that cobbled together roman empire feel within the city with strange new cultures constantly integrating.

    Other villages and towns will be added in the next revision.

    Comments and criticisms wanted. I'll take as much feedback and assistance as anyone cares to offer.
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    Last edited by Aristotle; 06-20-2008 at 05:37 PM.

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