A for me I'd define low magic as a very low influence and subtle magic that could easily be mistaken for other things. Mid level for me is subtle magic but it is very present, as in it affects peoples daily lives and can be recognized and occasionally has some flash (bling) to it. High magic for me is the basic D+D setting and above, magic cost nothing palpable and fantastic spells are flung around willy nilly and magic arrows of at least some sort are in everyones quiver. High magic can be great, don't get me wrong, but it can also lead to a really boring simplicity. It needs a certain tightness of control one could never really achieve in a co-op world building project.

I don't want magic to necessarily cause magis to bleed, I just think it's funny. What I meant really is that I want magic to have a cost, in other words I'm in line with Azelor and Ghostman on this.