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Thread: Trying to make this map look as 3D as possible D:

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    Wip Trying to make this map look as 3D as possible D:

    I've been working on this map for about a week now and I'm reaching a stage where I just want to get it over and done with I was going to make this look like an old map because I've never ever done maps before and I didn't want to do anything too confusing. However, I got carried away when I started colouring the mountains, and now here I am, trying to make the map look as 3D as one can make it with Photoshop.

    I still have like 489579449489 mountains and hills to colour -- and the trees! And add more rivers in... Speaking of rivers, I'm not exactly sure where they should be accurately placed in... Geography has never been my strong subject I'm also worried that some of the hills shouldn't be where they are?? Like is it okay if they're that close to the roads? Not sure. I may have to redraw the roads in the future.

    Also debating whether to keep it in that ripped paper texture or just put a frame around it... What do you guys think?

    (The other two are just earlier versions of the map. Seeing as the recent one looks close to finishing, I thought some people might want to see the earlier versions as well.)
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