I'm working (slowly) on a map based on the Osireion, a temple associated with the funerary complex of Seti I. It's not going to be an exact replica -- I'm basically just using roughly the same floor plan.

So far, I've got the basic floor shapes worked out. The Wikimedia foundation had a public domain floor plan for the original temple. I loaded that up in Inkscape and traced it, yielding something like this:


This was all manual tracing, on a layer above the original. That was a good start, but of course it's teeny, and rather irregular. This is going to be a battlemap for use with a VTT, so it needs to be very regular to accommodate the grid-based motion system. So I copied it to a new SVG file, turned on two grids (100px lines and 10px dots) and set about regularizing it. Here's the result:


I'm envisioning this as having a ring of chambers around a central pool of water, with a stairs down to a walkway across the middle. The side chambers got expanded somewhat. I'll use this as a mask in Photoshop later to define the basic floor/wall divisions.

One problem has to do with the grid. The basic shape is now regular, but there are a couple of places where it fits awkwardly on a 100px = 1 square grid. Here's a version with a 100px grid superimposed:


(The grid is not visible in the thumb, you'll have to click it to see.)

The edges of the side chambers are only half a square each. And the stairs at either end of the causway straddle the border between two grids. I'm tempted to just turn the grid down to 50px = 1 square, which would solve both of those problems at once:


(Again, grid is not visible in the thumb, you'll have to click it to see.)

The 50px solution gets all the side rooms neatly aligned with the grid, and same for the stairs. It also makes the place absolutely MASSIVE in size -- 200 feet by 360 feet in game terms. That's huge. The visual detail of the map would likely suffer when zoomed in to the scale players usually need it at.

So I'm torn on that point, and it kind of needs to get decided before I proceed, since the scale will affect how I build the rest of the map.

SVG files:

Plano_Osireion-cropped.svg (initial tracing)

osireion.svg (sized up and regularized to a grid)