What's the mass of it's star, though?

I'm a bit concerned if the mass is too great compared to the mass of the star, it wouldn't be able to hold an orbit very close to the star.

Also, if it was too hot, what the effect on the chemical reactions would be.

I'm just supposing, though... I haven't looked into any data, so if you do know, then please share

And, like I said, I'm cool with the planets I have, and I'd even be cool with more. I don't think eveery planet needs something unusual... we've got uranus and neptune which are rather blah (imo) as far as planets go, for example. But I'm not opposed to it either. Was just pointing out the apparent statistical unlikely-hood... key word being "apparent"... I'm trying to force myself to look at believability the way a random reader of my books would... it's them *I* would have to convince with my own worlds.

I'm simply trying the same viewpoint here

Having questionable stuff is fine, as long as you've got the answers for it