
Ok, so this map is a rehash off of a map that I found on the Wizards of the Coast site. When I first looked at their original map (above) I thought that it was a cool concept and that I could possibly use some of the elements in it. Then today - while playing Hearthstone, I decided to take a crack at touching it up.

Basically I used the original map as a template and then rebuilt the map using my own version. I wasn't too enthused with how the original author did the walls and surrounding stone/dirt layers and thought that retouching them with shadows and a different texture/color would help things 'pop' off the page a bit more. Granted, this map was just a simple download to a module or something that Wizards put out for people to use. Whoever the author was probably didn't spend that much time on it and there's no problem (IMO) taking one person's map and seeing what you can do with it.

The two versions below are my attempts to recreate the style of the above map with different color and shading variations to depict the idea that this is a water-filled cave that one would have to sail / row into, land the boat and then walk in and around the caves within.

It was a neat little project and I even made two variations on the color schemes because I couldn't pick out which one I liked more.

Comments welcome.

Which one do you guys like more?

