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Thread: Gliese 581-G (Just for fun)

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  1. #11
    Guild Apprentice Podcreature's Avatar
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    Sep 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Slylok View Post
    true, but how would they know that they have made a revolution? There wouldn't be any seasons or animals migrating or anything they could discern that would indicate a completed orbit around the star. Maybe the moon/moons are the answer to this as well. A Solar eclipse would be pretty interesting for people that know no darkness.

    Good point! I would imagine where ever you were the sun would be "north".

    Also I think they could use the rings of vegetation as terrain reference for how far away from the sea they are.
    Ah, yeah, I keep thinking in terms of an advanced civilization... but how indeed would a less technical people set up a calendar that included the planet's interaction with the sun if there's no change in climate to mark it, and what would be the point? The moon(s), then, would become the most important element to track time. Two moons might help in making that calendar more complex. We might have a calendar that truly omits the entire aspect of years. I was hoping that the orbit might be slightly eccentric, just enough to cause a bit of seasonal change, but they'd be so rapid... A week-by-week rotation almost. The temperatures would be unified, but maybe not entirely. The sun being "north" is very reasonable... I forget the science behind a compass... Just out of curiosity, what would a real compass do on such a planet? It has no poles on which it turns, at least, it turns soooo slowly, the magnetosphere is very weak.
    Last edited by Podcreature; 04-01-2014 at 07:06 PM.

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