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Thread: Hello and some more

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    Post Hello and some more

    Hello all! I'm Arthur.

    I just heard about the Cartographer's Guild in the Exalted Compendium Redux. Wordman (I believe he is registered here too) was the one who suggested it to me. Well, being here and being lost, I'll take advantage of this thread to say some stuff that I wouldn't know where to post anyway:

    First, about the forums. I was always interested in cartography, specially for fantasy scenarios, and I was very glad to find out that a community dedicated to exclusive discussion of the subject actually exists. I don't know how much I'll be posting here, but I do think I'll pass by once in a while. I would also like to suggest (for the moderators and such) a more detailed FAQ session. Really, explain the basics. What the Cartographer's Guild is would be a good start. Then, what to do if you are a complete ignorant in map designing, what to do if you have notions, what to do if you are an expert. That would all have been very useful to me, and I believe that for other new users as well.

    Second, I don't know a thing about digital cartography, and I'll send here my cry for help. I have lots of free time and I intend to design a map for the city of Denandsor, which is a very old, partially ruined city in the scenario of Exalted. Thing is: I don't know where to start from. So, instead of creating a short-lived single-question thread in another subforum, I'll just ask here: where should I go? I already took a look in the Tutorials Forum, and I'm browsing it right now. Any other suggestion? I have very basic ideas of Photoshop usage, but little besides that. My intention is to make a map more or less like this one. The least I use of free hand drawing, the better. I have as much hand ability as a hippopotamus with leprosy, and I don't have easy access to a scanner.

    Thank you all very much, and nice to meet you!

    Edit: Also, I'm on a Mac, which may restrict a little my software choices.

    Edit #2: I'm also following some of Pyrandon's tutorials. He just got a new fan.
    Last edited by Arthur; 06-27-2008 at 05:55 AM.

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