This was a 'Just for fun' map of the Atlantis continent from the Rifts RPG. I created it with GIMP, Wilbur, and Inkscape, and it reflects as much mappable information from Rifts canon material as I could find. My goal to try portraying the supernatural, physical, and political geography of the setting with some thematic elements associated with the Atlantis of the Rifts RPG: demonic aliens, bio-wizardry, great supernatural power, and the slave trade. I also wanted to try a more photo-realistic technique for forests.

For those unfamiliar with Rifts:

The setting takes place several centuries after an apocalypse brought on by an event known as 'The Coming of the Rifts' in which mystical energy lines (Ley Lines) erupted all over the globe, along which the fabric of reality ripped open into rifts, or gateways to and from other dimensions. The long-lost continent of Atlantis reappeared in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, which raised the sea level around the planet by several meters. Fast-forward a few centuries, and the ley lines are still around, rifts still open, and Atlantis is ruled by a monstrous quasi-lovecraftian Splugorth known as Splynncryth and his vast hordes of powerful minions. Humans in Atlantis are mostly chattel slaves or livestock in the great inter-dimensional market of Splynn.

I used the following Arsheesh tutorials as references (with a few variations) to create this map: Eriond, Photo-realistic forests, city icons, and curving labels. Special thanks to Arsheesh for these helpful guides!