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Thread: Looking for some feedback please (Small Farmhouse)

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  1. #11


    Hey everyone thanks for the feedback so far. One thing I've been wondering about is my roofing. All I did was fill the roof with a texture and apply shadows to show peak, I think it'd look nicer if I could rotate the texture to have the shingles facing the correct direction. Does anyone who uses GIMP know a method for this? Or would making 4 different textures all facing different directions and filling each roof section with the appropriate one be the only way?

    Quote Originally Posted by jkat718 View Post
    I think the grid opacity you have right now is fine, Dread. Why can't you have the grid run over the rug? Also, some sort of support system for the top building's overhang would make the map easier to understand.

    EDIT: It looks like you have chimneys on the roofs, but I don't see fireplaces in the houses. Am I mis-seeing the furniture?
    I made the dumb mistake of putting all the furniture on a single layer, so If i were to simply move the grid layer above that it'd be on top of all the tables and benches ect, also I agree entirely about supports for the overhang. I also think the ground texture beneath the overhang should be different as well. The fireplaces are there but may be difficult to spot because I made the map so small.

    Quote Originally Posted by madcowchef View Post
    The shadow on the fencing should be considerably less than that of the house, right now it looks like the garden is surrounded by man height walls. The rug is also a bit nice looking for the setting. Those criticisms aside I can't imagine any player would fail to appreciate these maps they are looking good.
    I agree, also I think I made the fencing too thick. I feel like until I put the 'crops' in, in the second version I posted the stuff on the right could have been mistaken for a second large house with a really strange rug. On the same topic any idea how I would go about making the shadows look like they belong to a fence rather than a solid wall?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    This encounter scale map looks fine. You mention recently tilled fields - I don't see any fields tilled or otherwise, are these supposed to be on this map?
    The first set of maps were supposed to depict 'tilled fields' on the right side something like this: But I went ahead and just threw crops on them anyway in the second set.

    *Edit* : Arg, I did forget one of the fireplaces in the top building . It's there in the left building however.
    Last edited by Dreadloch; 04-23-2014 at 12:00 AM.

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