A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a great war erupted amongst most space nations.
The Italian Star Kingdom and the Habsburg Star Empire clashed over their shared border in a bloody war which would seal their fate for the centuries to come.

My take on this cross genre challenge is this: the idea we’ve all seen before: a historical map (in this case: a map of the Italian – Austrian front during the first world war); the re-invention: the historical map is now a sci-fi star map.

So, to boldly go where I’ve never gone before, I’m doing my first space map (even if not my first sci-fi one), and I’m entering the challenge really late, because life’s complicated. There are also two already great entries (with some astonishing execution for a “lite” challenge), so I just hope I’ll finish mine and do something at least decent.

Critiques are really welcome as always and suggestions will be incorporated, as long as I’ll have time and will be able to.

### Latest WIP ###

la grande guerra - fronte italiano nello spazio! wip 1.jpg