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Thread: [HELP] Hex Map Titles

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    Help [HELP] Hex Map Titles

    Greetings everyone.

    Im new arround here and i have to say that i love this forum. I has show me some good tip to create maps and other stuffs in photoshop. (since im a RPG lover too, its even better)

    Currently im developing a board game that will have a BIG map made with independent Hex titles (the hex have a max size of 5x5 cm).
    talking about the Map objective, it is a mix between Runebound, Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne

    I've already made some of the hex (see attatchment) using some tools ive found arround the forum but i'm not liking it that much, at least some of them, but i dont know what to do either . i was thinking in doing something in the style os the Harabar map (link here) but i was haveing even worst results

    The one that its really giving me touble is River Title.
    The one on the picture is made with 1 layer for the grass, 1 layer with the 2 brown strokes, and 1 layer with the water.

    I really would like to make this look like a river .. but im getting a VERY POOR result.

    Also, there is something wrong with the 2 forests. Just dont know what. and the Mountains i tryed to make them "higher" but had no success.

    So what am i talking here? simples ... IM BEGGING YOU to help me

    Some help on "how to make thouse ex in "Harabar map" style, would be great.
    Some help on "how to make my current hex" better would be also great.

    I hoppe that someone can help.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hex Legend:
    [field][hills][high mountain][normal mountain]
    [deep forest][forest][forest mountain][river]
    Attached Images Attached Images

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