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Thread: Ehlon River and Wake Island WIPs

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    Wip Ehlon River and Wake Island WIPs

    The first being a fictional place, the second being an actual island (or rather, atoll) in the pacific. Fans of the "Battlefield" series will remember it.

    I'm also uploading a map and satellite photo of Wake for you to compare. I'll deviate from reality, of course, as most tress have been cut down and there's a big frickin airfield right in the middle of it, but I'll keep the shape and feel.

    I'm mostly working on the second right now, as the first got me a little bored, I'm not sure I'm going to finish it.

    I've had the chance to experiment a lot on wake; for instance, there are 4 superposed main colour layers, as you might be able to see: the grass, the lagoon, the reef, and the sea itself.

    Problems noted: Weird white blob in the sea, the lagoon not being green enough and having an odd look in general.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    All works shown in my posts are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License (good thinking jfrazierjr)

    Consider all my maps to be usable by anyone for the CWBP. Feel free to ask me for the .xcf or to ask me to change the orientation or scale.

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