Well I'm done with my first attempt at city building. This is a section of my real life hometown that I'm making for my daughter. I used google map set at 200ft scale to use as a guide of where the streets and major landmarks would be located.

I used rpgmapmaker's building brushes for the city buildings, a clock hand found on google for part of the compass, and the rest was hammered out by neglecting the world for a couple weeks. I learned A LOT about using brushes through this. In fact, I hope I can remember how I did some of it, after a while you just keep messing with stuff till it works.

The purpose of this map is to document secret places my 6 year old daughter and I have found as we explore our city. Originally I wanted to do a single map for the whole city but... the city is bigger than I thought, so this is the first installment.

The original WIP thread is here: http://www.cartographersguild.com/to...g-project.html
