Yo my dudes/dudettes, I posted an earlier version of this map a few months back and got some pretty solid feedback/critique, mostly about the font/text consistency and river placement/dynamics. I haven't reworked the rivers because I didn't want to impact my currently-running D&D campaign but I've gone back and redone the text all in black and toned down alot of the outlines and other stuff. I think I'll prolly go back once more and cut down on the number of different fonts, but I've done a bunch of subtle tweaks in the meantime including color and tonal stuff, as well as redoing the scale bar.

Any further feedback is appreciated! I know its still not perfect but I'm pretty proud of the map from an artistic standpoint being that its my first real attempt ever. If you wanna take a peek at my campaign wiki, it can be found at https://ancientechoes.obsidianportal.com/