Hi all,

I'm pretty new to mapmaking. I have followed the Salderan tutorial a couple of times, and quite like what I have managed using it, but I have a quick question.

My world is very pole-centric, as the equator is hostile and essentially impassable (but not completely; that's the point of the story). So although I want to have a nice mercator or mollweide view of the planet, I would also like to be able to work on polar orthographic views (a round hemispheric view with with the pole in the middle and the equator at the edges).

Now, something like FT3 would let me draw a map and switch between the projections, but drawing in FT3 and making the map look even remotely reasonable is tedious, especially if you are making a non-standard looking world (FT3 is great if you want to just end up with a randomly generated earthish planet, but not so great if you want to start with a blank world and draw it). Drawing in photoshop (using Saldferan or similar) is a lot easier, but you're stuck with the one projection you are working in.

Is there an alternative? I thought about making a map in PS and importing it into FT, but it doesn't seem to allow importing. Is there any software that can take a map in one projection and allow you to view/save it in another, if you have drawn the map in a drawing program like PS?
