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Thread: First post and also first WIP!!

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  1. #1
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Venray, Netherlands

    Wip First post and also first WIP!!

    Hello dear members of Cartographers Guild,

    Here we go then, my first post and also first WIP
    First of some introduction about myself, Im Miel Hanen from the Netherlands. I work for a big cable company in the netherlands, supporting people with their technical difficulties. Before that i did a few Studies in graphical design, but in the end i found out that i really enjoy it helping people out and solving issues they cannot solve. Since those studies i enjoy graphical design a lot, but i decided that it would not be my work

    That being said, in those years of studies i was introduced to photoshop and the adobe suite. From Iluustrator, to photoshop, to premiere Pro and after effects and since then been using it for hobby. Creating my own websites and for small local customers but also just making some artwork etc for myself.
    Becuase the main purpose was mosty websites etc and also because i dont have really good overall drawing skills i've never really used a tablet for drawing and really since now, making my first map, im really starting to miss out on that.

    In My free time i'm also a big big fan of Dungeons and Dragons and the likes, Board games, card games and everything that goes with that.
    As it comes to D&D i've been a player for almost 13 years now with a stable Dungeon master guiding it, but since some time i started playing with a different group that switches between DM quite often. Because of that i started from last week being DM and making my own quest/story.

    Thats is when i found this awesome forum. I wanted to have a map for my campaing so i found this website and began searching around. In the beginning i was considering just using a map, but after some searching i just couldnt do that. I hate it when people use my work for stuff without telling etc, and seeing the immense effort you guys put into your work and the awesome maps you make i just couldnt do that, so i decided i would make one of my own.

    After like reading 60 tutorials on this site and seeing all the different techniques people use, i started out. not having a tablet for drawing it started out quite difficult making the coastline etc. From then it went on steady, and in all i've spend about 20h on it so far. It's a map for one of the regions in my campaign, named Ulster. A lush forest rich area in the land of Edacia

    Ok so enough typing, here are my efforts until so far. Im really hoping i can get a few tips tricks, how you guys feel about the work so far when it comes to colours, linework, composition and the work in it's whole



    Last edited by Tjerno; 06-26-2014 at 10:12 AM.

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