I am back from vacation a whole day early, but still have the day off , so I guess I will put it to good use and see if I can crank out a whole challenge in 1-2 days. It has been a while since my last, and I am feeling ambitious, so I will try to pay homage to some of the great challenges that I have missed so far this year, like:

May 2014 - Map like a Monster
March/April 2014 - Map a Gov. Building
February 2014 - Map the Guild
January/February 2014 - Circle, Triangle, Square

And I am thinking of doing this all in the style of my first challenge entry, http://www.cartographersguild.com/fi...arsh-king.html.

The map takes place in a fantasy setting. The map is being drawn by a historian recording the 9 Greatest Mysteries, and each Mystery will get its own set of maps/illustrations. This mystery will be about the Fabled never-ending hallways of Ha-Stee, where a tribe of barbarous monsters believe one goes after death. After making it out of the Halls of Ha-Stee they then proceed to Heaven/Hell/Other Afterlife Option. What we are hopefully going to see is our intrepid historian trying to make a connection between a ruined sword with an engraved diagram of Ha-Stee, and the ruins of a nearby old Cartographic Guild that he believes is the basis for the Myths of Ha-Stee.

I will work on the Guild first, which our historian will call the Ancient Ruins near Yokkah, since he will not know that it once served as a Headquarters for a Great and Mighty Guild of Cartography. And I will make the ruins out of circles only (to start at least).


P.S. - Off to an awkward start already! Previewing this post it looks kind of like a Cubist Mickey Mouse...