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Thread: [wip] Spindrift

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    Default [wip] Spindrift

    Hi guys,

    I've just posted my Spindrift map in the finished maps section, but I also wanted to show you guys the process in case anyone is interested to see how it came to be. Sadly - since the map is finished - I won't make any big changes based on feedback (unless you spot a typo or something like that ) but I'll definitely use any feedback and pointers for future maps.

    I'll work backwards in time, with the latest version on top:

    Here's the finished map:

    Steps of the cartouche, from rough to sketch to final.

    This is a sketch of the entire realm, which I made to get a better overview/consistency and for story purpose. The other continents don't play as large a part in the story as the rest, so that's why the final map focuses on Central Orbani.

    This is what I had planned to use as final product initially. I actually put quite a bit of time into making this one, but I fell out of love with the result eventually. That, and I needed to update some of the geography because the story had evolved in the past years and some of the locations needed changing. I also really disliked some of the names I used here .

    Below are sketches of the map, which are what I used alongside writing the first draft of the story.


    So yeah, I think that's pretty much all there is to show, unless you guys are interested in seeing the paper texture, portolan lines or compass in close up or something like that XD.

    Edit: Eep, I seem to have forgotten to add the name of the thread after the WIP part, and I seem unable to edit that part. Perhaps a mod could shoot at it?.
    Last edited by Diamond; 07-07-2014 at 12:40 PM.

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