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Thread: Continent map (fantasy) - constructive criticism appreciated!

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    Wip Continent map (fantasy) - constructive criticism appreciated!

    Hey all!

    So I'm doing my first homebrew setting for D&D (3.5 E6), and have started on a map of the continent (first map too - first time for everything. Designing the geography is a lot more fun than I expected it to be!). Just found out about this forum, and would love to hear any and all feedback you lovely people would have for me.

    I don't know if any of the world politics / history are relevant, but I'll give some of the basics just in case. The Astherian (human) empire is the dominant one at this point; Tuvesh is another human group (splintered off from the Astherians not all too long ago); the Zensuur are an empire of lizardfolk that have lately been on a worryingly hyper-expansionist binge (due to the BBEG's machinations); the Baegrim are the dwarves, and have been around / stable for the longest by far (way back when, the other dominant empires at the time all collapsed in a huge war, and the dwarves were the only ones to avoid the massive collateral damage); the Northern Steppes is technically unclaimed territory, but full of nomadic orcs. The Darishyn and the Qa'Lun are still sort of question marks right now, but are there as placeholders to avoid the "one race and/or continent = one homogenous culture" cliche. I'm happy to give more details, but I don't know what's relevant.

    Again on a "not sure if relevant" note: the campaign is starting in Tasden, the capital of Astherel, when the Zensuuri are just starting to mess around in obvious ways (they'd been doing a lot of infiltration-y stuff beforehand but without much movement).

    Well, huzzah and all that! Here goes.

    EDIT: I'm a few versions in to editing right now - here's the most updated version of my map. Anything else to consider at this point / any other resources or advice to offer would be greatly appreciated!

    Valetas map v4.jpg
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    Last edited by jl3141; 07-18-2014 at 10:39 AM.

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