I will test that soon again as I am in the process to go from wilbur back to FT .... but in meanwhile I have a question for Wilbur ....

I have nicely eroded my terrain and I got some very nice and evident big rivers , kind of amazon rivers ... carved into the land slopes ... but when I command to draw rivers those get completely ignored and insteadI get all sort of river that do not match the landscape ... why that? Is it possible to fix?

Also ...

I did load several texture for exmporting maps in wilbur , so I loaded flow map , I loaded grayscale , slope maps , sea mask etc ... saved all as png ... but the only output is always and only the heightmap ... what I have done wrong? Shoudl I save somehow differently?

Tough in FT instead seems to work much better and it finds them ....

btw I think the problem loading from Wilbur format to FT was because I kept both programs open at the same time loading a file from the other , perhaps this caused the issues, I noticed that when I switched of one of the two I coul dload fine . but the file from wilbur needed to be not only flipped vertically but also horizontally .