Hello all!

Long time artist here, since back in the 80's when I'd sit at my Little Tikes art desk and draw out maps in crayon and dream of pirates and adventurers crossing ancient seas, to the days in High School when I'd fill the last few minutes of each class scribbling a fractal terrain and filling in some mountains with shade. I've always loved maps, but never really understood why. I can't even tell people simple directions without breaking out the pen and paper that I always have on hand.

But I found an outlet, and I'd like to share with those that seem to have this same beautiful sickness; the need to take what we see and explain it to other the way that we see it. I'll be posting here every few days as I am currently setting up another campaign for a table-top RPG, (another love of mine, DMing). A lot has changed over the years, including my tools, but I'd like to think that my style has remained somewhat constant. We all need to change in order to progress, so I'm always looking for criticism.

I submit for review both a map old, (from my first campaign in 2001) and the one I am working on now, (about 1/2 complete).

Old Map.jpgMap Now.JPG
