So, what I think of your climate map now that my document is done... It looks pretty good but the sheer number of elements to consider open some room for choices, and mistakes.

I have some points that I would like to discuss:

1- The eastern hot steppe seems really dry for a place close to the equator that faces the major winds from the ocean. The mountains are not that high, so I think it's too dry, except for the southern tip.

2- The eastern side of the cold highland desert should be really wet, probably the wettest place on the map. Not only have they received water like the nearby tropical forest but also because of the orographic lift. It reminds me of the region near Nepal, north-east India.

3- it’s unlikely that you can have a D climate on that map except maybe on the southern part of the continent (the cold steppe plateau) maybe but not on an island. The climate is much more temperate and less extreme because it’s surrounded by water. It’s probably Cfc

Lastly, like I said to Corvus, Mediterranean climates are close to the sea. they could still be located not too far inland but one of yours if hidden behind a mountain range.

Overall it's pretty good!