Hey all! was hoping to snatch a bit of advice on a few items on this map - of course its going to fill up alot more with more rubble and ruins in such but dont want to get to ahead of myself before i fix some of the stuff i don't like about it. This is a ruined little workshop dug into the sandstone underneath a metropolis.

1. How can i make my wall edges look more "rounded" i through on a 15 pixel bevel - what else can i do? So burn/dodging? would the edge be burnt or would the edge be dodged?
2. Shadows? to much or to little?
3. texture palate? does my cave wall NOT fit with my floor?
4. Anything i can do to improve my stone wall? (besides adding a few broken stones around it)
5. Gimp question. why when i use the free form selecter tool to select an area of my cave texture to "cut out" does the "cut become very pixilated (the wall on the northern exit)? my only solution so far is to use the free-selecter, then apply a minor distort to make it more smooth. can i get around this added step when cutting out unwanted portions of my texture?

Thanks for any advice!
