A few more screenshots of the 3d process in this post.
Thanks THW. The first thing was to get a better sense of the town in 3d. It has helped me to realize some thing I do slightly wrong with overhead town layouts. Nothing major but when doing roofs that overhang/project out quite a bit [2-3' overhang] I still draw some features like stairways that really would not be seen. Or only the edges and not much of the steps. I need to do a bit more work on land contours too.
Anyhow, here are a few more shots of the 3d progress.
Bourmout 02_006.jpg
Then from the north
Bourmout 02_004.jpg
Last from the south
Bourmout 02_005.jpg
I went with dark roofs for continuity while I work on the model. Eventually they would have the proper coloration as in the map.