I'm working on a new set of map symbols. I really want to get them finished tonight but I'm on vacation and my internet connection is a little flaky. (Also I'm a little flaky.) I've got a couple problems though before I'm finished with them. First, I'm not really using Photoshop anymore! I still HAVE it, so I can open my file in PS to make all these into brushes, but I figure if I'm doing the extra work already, I should ask: what other formats would you like to see these in? Individual PNG files for CC3 (I think?) was something that was requested before (that I don't think I ever got around to, heh....)
Here's a preview of what I've got so far...
Small and large mountains and trees of various types. I want to get done with some hills and some town icons at least before I call it done.
At the bottom of the page are two brushes I made just recently to draw continents and rivers and things. They make random land-like shapes, so there's no more fooling with clouds and threshold to rough up the edges and make it look natural. I have versions of these brushes for Photoshop and Manga Studio 5. (The MS5 brushes might also be compatible with Clip Studio? They're basically the same program.) The Manga Studio brushes are a bit superior, due to MS5's ability to use multiple brush tip shapes, but Photoshop's scatter function mostly takes care of that in the PS brush. I'm getting a lot of use out of them, and I want to share them.
Here's what the Photoshop brushes look like:
Here's those brushes: StarRaven's Generic Map Brushes.zip (It's just a generic land edges brush and a river brush. Lemme know if they're useful!)