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  1. #21


    Well I think is time to move on...

    Planet rings

    1. New document with the background black. Then you create a new layer on which you apply Filter>Render>Clouds. Make sure you have black and white selected as colors. If you do it right you will get something like this.

    2. Then you apply Filter>Distort>Twirl. You set the twirl to its max at 999. Apply it about 3 times.

    3. Then, you select the Eraser Tool (E) and you select a soft round brush of the appropriate size (depending on the size of the image). Now you start erasing the outer edges and a little bit of the inside so you will get nice rings.

    4. Now you'll make it look bit more like real rings. Go to Free Transform (Ctrl+T) and make it as flat as you want it to be.

    5. Now you go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise and set it to 15% and Gaussian. Once you did this there will be a lot of colored dots, go Image>Adjustments> Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U) to make them white and you set the saturation to -100s.

    6. You will change the levels at Image>Adjustments> Levels (Ctrl+l), move the center triangle to the right untill 0,32.

    7. Almost done. Now you press Ctrl+U again to change the color. Mark Colorize and change the settings till you have the color of your choice (Hue 32/ Sat 36 / Lightness -16).

    8. One more thing remains, set the layer mode to Screen so that the black parts become invisible. Now your rings are finished and you can combine them with a planet like this.


    Attachment 66375

    You're the specialist on how I save the body with the ring as a PNG.
    Last edited by Meriba; 08-07-2014 at 12:09 PM.

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