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Thread: Carto brushes - caterpillar ridges and train tracks

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    Post Carto brushes - caterpillar ridges and train tracks

    I was enjoying Vorropohaiah's thread - and the topic of doing caterpillar style ridges came up. Doing them by hand takes a long time so I thought I'd try to help out there and made some brushes for that. They simulate the look but time will tell if they are completely satisfactory. They were done in PS cs5 so probably not backward compatible, though I'm not sure on that one.

    I was also viewing Ilanthar's thread on LA - and noticed that the raillines could use some tracks.
    So I made 2 sets of tracks.
    Here's a sample page of what the brushes look like.
    Sample 1.jpg
    here's the brushes Brush set

    edit-new image for the caterpillar brushes
    Ridge brushes 01.jpg

    [only caveat - don't reupload or combine and distribute with other brushes]
    Would love to see what people do with them. Enjoy.

    License info
    These brushes can be used in personal and commercial maps. They are not to be distributed or rebundled with other brushes for distribution elsewhere. If they are used in a commercial map/work it would be nice to get a credit and/or a link back to this thread so others could access them.
    Last edited by J.Edward; 08-11-2014 at 09:16 PM.

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