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Thread: [Award Winner] Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional RPG Map

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  1. #12
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Mar 2013
    United Kingdom


    EDIT: I solved the problem. I had to set the new layer to transparent when creating it before adding the noise. I'm thinking it had something to do with a solid fill on a new layer doesn't create an alpha channel causing the overlay blend mode to not funnctionn properly? I don't know though...

    sorry for necroing the thread!

    Create new layer called “Land Noise” and fill it with clouds (Filter->Render->Clouds->Solid Noise) Set the detail to the maximum (15) and the X and Y size to the max (16.0). The larger the size, the more randomness your final coast will have. Give it a new random seed and jot down the number (I put it in the layer name afterwards as a reminder). And change the blend mode to Overlay.
    At this point when I set the layer to overlay nothing changes. I see no effect of the cloud layer at all.


    Create a new layer called “Land Clip”, filled with white above that, and set its blend mode to Lighten. You will have a white image. Now, with this layer selected, Open the levels dialog (Colors->Levels) and grab the white output slider, and drag it down. As this happens, the land will be revealed. Stop at a place you like, and click OK.
    I then add the white layer and set it to lighten. Drag down the slider and it just returns the original coast without any noise distortion.


    I can't for the life of me figure out why this isn't working. I'm following the tutorial by the letter and have gone over this part about 6 times now. It's becoming quite annoying. Could someone explain to me why this isn't working as intended?

    The image is 4096 * 4096. It's the only deviation from the tutorial but I can't see how that would effect this process.

    Last edited by Chin Swift; 08-25-2014 at 06:01 PM.

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