Hello. I've lurked here on and off - finally decided to join.

Long time GM (as with many of you). I've been designing worlds and making maps for as long as I can remember.

My latest world is a place called Yerth, (pathfinder fantasy). I've got the rough stuff laid out and draw as necessary to develop the details.

These days I've been hand-drawing my world and area maps and adding more fancy details to them - Attached one of the latest below.
Canyons of Urga.jpg
I look forward to sharing maps, looking for critiques and offering advice as we go.
My goals are to make my maps more authentic and functional, but also more artistic and beautiful.
I'm scattered hither thither and yon across the net, with places built, abandoned and returned to at DeviantArt, scottv.com, Facebook, and the latest being gmatlarge.tumblr.com

Call me Striogi or Aleric.
Hit me up if you have questions.